Fall 2002 - E Preview
The FALL 2002 playoffs are eagerly anticipated and promise to be as hotly contested as the regular season. Below we provide a preview for the E League. This preview is only intended for discussion fodder and entertainment value. Good luck to all in their ‘Run to the Long Island Cup’.
E League
Are they or are not they? In a playoff draw that, on the surface, appears a no-brainer the compelling question is ... are they focused and hungry enough to repeat? The MUSTANGS breezed through the regular season going wire-to-wire without much threat from the other divisional rivals. The 'Stangs are strong in all aspects of the game and possess more playoff experience than the other squads combined. All appears set for back-to-back, but ... Examining the regular season one can find disconcerting signs that should give rise to the playoffs aspirations of the others. Finishing well and looking invigorated the LI-DRAGONS have positioned themselves for a championship postseason. Youth, speed, and teamwork have forged a lethal combination capable of challanging for the Cup. The RAGE also have youth and speed but have lost some of the teamwork focus that backboned recent success. For them to succeed it's important that they play together and avoid the tendency to rely on individual aspirations. Back again, and hoping to move deep into the draw, are the befuddling PHANTOMS-RED. Besides the Mustangs, the Red are the most playoff experienced team. Their strength is betweeen the pipes which is single most important playoff ingredient. But they have stumbled in past early rounds and will be hard-pressed to advance. Lurking and poised to surprise are PLT. PLT is the X factor. They stumbled in the early going and almost succumbed to external and internal dynamics that placed them in an almost insurmountable hole. There's firepower here and any favorite should beware.